jane Chartreuse
I'm a trans conversation designer with lots of rabbits. I love cooperative games with narrative elements.
(she/they, based in MA)
I'm an entomologist, ecologist, massive nerd, and proud organized labor advocate.
I design games of all types, but I particularly enjoy card games that offer snappy, fast-paced gameplay that mess with the social dynamics of the play group. I also believe that games play a vital role in the human experience, teaching us new skills and bringing us closer together.
(he/him, based in NY)

Max Helmberger
I am a soil ecologist, socialist, and biology professor interested in the value of games to teach scientific concepts, as well as be fun. I strive to create games that ooze science from as much of their rules, mechanics, and overall experience as possible while also being fun and replayable gaming experiences. (he/him, from MN, based in MA)
Mark Gottlieb
I'm a passionate game designer with a deep indebtedness to tabletop war-gaming, RPGs, and video-games. Grateful for the adventures and freedom they afforded me, I've spent the last ten years seeking to give those same positive experiences to others. I'm an ex-patriot of companies such as Red Storm, Mantic Games, and Mythicos Studios, I combine a passion for all things miniature game related, with a love of games that tell lasting, and ongoing, stories. I also unironically love ghost shows, and wrestling, and will only sometimes apologize for that.

Errol Kupelian
I'm a once and future political scientist, telecom dude, and proud advocate of a cooperative post-capitalist future.
I'll design any game but strive to have the theme inform and drive mechanics as a guiding principle. I strive to evoke core emotional and creative moments from works that inspire me, whether it be the terror of defending a cursed castle under siege or the glorious rush of seeing your armies conquer a field of battle!
A deep and abiding love of tabletop wargames, RPGs, and the Game of Thrones board game made me this way and I apologize for nothing! My last takeaway is that we're on the cusp of a better world, we just got to figure out how to get there- and games help! (he/his/him, based in NY)
Ada Korman
I’m an ex-academic who moved from English, Film, and Gender and Women’s Studies to a job in the tech world working on a well-known virtual assistant. It turns out that capitalism doesn’t value the humanities (shocker) and having good healthcare trumps doing a thing you like.
I aspire to design elegant games featuring asymmetry and hidden information. I’ve recently begun toying with single-player RPGs, where my design efforts are focused on generating moments of fleeting beauty and melancholy. If that all sounds far too pretentious, I also really like to make caw caw sounds when using the ravens in Mysterium.
(she/her, based in MA)